Infrastructure SA Project Preparation Bid Window

NOTICE OF THE KWAZULU NATAL PROVINCIAL ROADSHOW PREPARATION BID WINDOW 1 MEETING Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the KWAZULU-NATAL PROVINCIAL ROADSHOW PREPARATION BID WINDOW 1 MEETING is scheduled as follows: Date :Wednesday, 20November 2024 Time : 10h00 The...

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Project Packaging Support from Infrastructure South Africa

A major contributing factor with infrastructure investment needs not being met is attributed to insufficient investment in project preparation. To address these challenges and unlock the potential of infrastructure investments in South Africa, the National Treasury...

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TIPS is an independent, non-profit economic research institution established in 1996 to support economic policy development. TIPS undertakes quantitative and qualitative research, project management, dialogue facilitation, capacity building and knowledge sharing. Its...

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The Role of Masterplans in Industrial Policy

INVITE | TIPS DEVELOPMENT DIALOGUE 2024 If you wish to join, in-person at TIPS offices, 234 Lange Street, Nieuw Muckleneuk, Pretoria, South Africa or virtually via Zoom please register below.    Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies (TIPS) invites you to a...

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World Economic Forum (WEF) Survey 2024/25

Dear members The World Economic Forum and its Partner Institute, Business Unity South Africa (BUSA), invite EDASA members to participate in the Executive Opinion Survey 2024/25 to assess South Africa's level of competitiveness in international comparison. This annual...

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Summary of National Budget 2024/25 for Individuals

Dear EDASA Member Please click below for a summary of the National Budget 2024/25 implications for individuals. The Summary is courtesy of Alexander Forbes. [button link=""...

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SONA 2024

Get the full SONA 2024 speech here. As usual, plenty of economic development projects to be proud of and new opportunities to unlock for your region.   Click...

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Sustainable Industrial Development

Sustainable industrialisation is the maintenance and expansion of industrial capacity in a manner that is socially inclusive and environmentally responsible. Read the latest report by the IDC so that you can incorporate this thinking in your local industrial...

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Kush Kulture Cannabis Industry Magazine Edition 1

Dear Members Many of you expressed interest in receiving the Kush Kulture Magazine, which profiles the Cannabis Industry and covers various important topics. We have now uploaded the first edition onto the EDASA eLearning Platform, We...

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Promoting cannabis and hemp industry

It is said that over 50,000 unique industrial, edible and pharmaceutical products can be produced from the cannabis and hemp plant. In the cultivation processing, distribution and sale of these products, thousands of jobs and hundreds of enterprises are created. For...

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Cannabis and hemp sector development

EDASA would like to do a quick survey as to which of our members' localities have a Cannabis and/or Hemp sector development focus. Please email with either YES or NO. Thank you EDASA Team

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New Solutions: The Future of AI-Enabled Smart Cities

EThekwini Municipality's The Durban EDGE and Information Management Unit in partnership with Innovate Durban and the US Embassy and Consulate of South Africa in Durban will be hosting a Seminar titled "New Solutions | The Future of A.I. Enabled Smart Cities" ....

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EDASA Economic Development Primer

  These one-page flyers and short videos describe the "why" and impact of core economic development strategies, including business retention and expansion; marketing and business attraction; entrepreneurship and small business development; workforce development;...

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Call for Proposals: Natural Resources and Energy Technologies

TIA is calling for the submission of funding applications for developing innovative natural resource and energy technologies. The technological focus areas include:  Natural Resources Water and Sanitation: Digitisation for water and wastewater treatment plants, water...

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Netherlands Economic Mission to SA on Circular Economy

Dear Sir/Madam, The embassy of the Netherlands in South Africa, the Netherlands Enterprise Agency and Holland Circular Hotspot would like to draw your attention to an economic mission to South Africa that will take place from 15 until 20 October 2023. The economic...

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Career Transition Tips for Senior Women Professionals

Dear EDASA Member In today's fast-paced professional landscape, career transitions are becoming increasingly common and vital. Whether you're looking to pivot to a new industry, take on more leadership responsibilities, or simply align your career with your evolving...

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INVITATION TO MEMBER ENGAGEMENT SESSION Dear EDASA Member, We are pleased to invite you, and your respective members, to an engagement session organised by Business Unity South Africa, which will be hosted by Cas Coovadia, CEO of BUSA and Martin Kingston, the Chair of...

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Ongoing professional development is key to the success of Economic Development Agencies and their teams. It is a known fact that the key competitive advantage of an economic development agency is the skills of its team.   At EDASA, we strive to offer our members...

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US – AFRICA Leaders’ Summit

President Biden is hosting leaders from across the African continent in Washington, DC on December 13-15, 2022, for the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit. The Summit will demonstrate the United States’ enduring commitment to Africa, and will underscore the importance of...

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Revitalisation of Rural and Township Economy Gathers Momentum

The Deputy Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition, Ms Nomalungelo Gina has assured Members of Parliament that the department is in the process of rolling out interventions that will see the rural and township economy occupying its rightful place in the mainstream...

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EDASA Economic Development Primer

These slides and short videos describe the "why" and the impact of core economic development strategies, including business retention and expansion; marketing and business attraction; entrepreneurship and small business development; workforce development; and foreign...

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South Africa’s Energy Crises Response

The President of the Republic of South Africa (PROSA) has made wide ranging reforms to the South African energy sector. While this is aimed at easing the current energy challenges faced, these reforms represent a massive economic development opportunity for local...

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Ethekwini Economy at a Glance

Globally - leaders from various sectors met in Davos for the World Economic Forum (WEF). The objectives of this year’s WEF is to find solutions to the world’s most urgent challenges including the impacts of the war in Ukraine and the Covid-19 pandemic. Ultimately the...

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The Real Economy Bulletin First Quarter

The Real Economy Bulletin is a TIPS review of quarterly trends, developments and data in the real economy, together with a comprehensive analysis of the main manufacturing industries and key data in Excel format.   [button...

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Framework for a Just Transition in South Africa

The Presidential Climate Commission is a multi-stakeholder body established by the President of the Republic of South Africa to advise on the country’s climate change response and pathways to a low-carbon climate-resilient economy and society. The Framework for a Just...

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World Competitiveness Survey 2022

Dear members, You are hereby informed that the Productivity SA will be conducting an IMD World Competitiveness Survey on the 31 March 2022. Members who are interested in participating in the Survey kindly click on the link below....

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Online: Economic Insights 2.0: Power, Production, People

To industrialise South Africa, to revive the once robust manufacturing sector, tourism, agriculture, and other large contributors to GDP, will require all stakeholders to collaborate and find solutions. Government and regulators must create a conducive environment,...

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Jobs Fund 2022 – Applications now open

The Jobs Fund (a programme of the National Treasury) was established to test innovative employment models. The Jobs Fund has over years been successful in crowding in funding, ideas, innovation and technical expertise from the market. To date (as of 31 December 2021)...

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Economic Outlook and Budget Speech 2022

There’s still time to join Isaah Mhlanga, Executive Chief Economist at Alexander Forbes, as he discusses the recent economic developments and their expected impact. He will be joined by Professor Mzukisi Qobo, Head of the Wits School of Governance and member of...

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Vacancy Partnership Lead – Innovate Durban

Are you a dynamic and high performing individual who has what it takes to be a PARTNERSHIP LEAD? Innovate Durban is a Non-profit Organisation aimed at supporting innovators and developing the innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystem in KwaZulu-Natal. We are needing to...

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Request for Useful Economic Development Resources

Dear Members, EDASA is constantly looking for useful resources such as reports, academic papers, and events, etc. that would be beneficial to Economic Development Practitioners especially in these challenging times. Should you have or know of any resources or events,...

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SAPOA/IDCIDC POST UNREST BUSINESS RECOVERY FUND ENGAGEMENT WEBINAR Event Date 04/08/2021 Event Time 10:00 Event End Date 04/08/2021 Event End Time 11:30 Synopsis The purpose of the webinar: Inform members of SAPOA of the recovery package Unpack the qualifying criteria...

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Global Investment Convention 2021 Digital Edition

Crescendo Worldwide has organised the “Global Investment Convention- Digital Edition”, starting from 15th June to 16th June 2021, to which we are inviting Potential Asian Investor Companies who are looking at Africa as an investment destination. Details of Convention:...

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South African COVID-19 Vulnerability Index – STATS SA

The South African COVID-19 Vulnerability Index (SA CVI) aims to statistically and spatially identify vulnerable populations that are more likely to be adversely affected should COVID-19 spread in the affected area. The Index uses Census 2011 data and eight indicators...

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Affiliation to FutureLearn

EDASA is pleased to announce our Affiliation to FutureLearn, who gives our members access to hundreds of additional courses for FREE. Please take advantage of this unique opportunity by visiting and clicking on the Learn tab. Happy Learning The EDASA...

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Annual Investment Meeting – 2020

AIM Digital is the largest deal-making virtual platform for the global investment community launched by the UAE Ministry of Economy and the Annual Investment Meeting. With the theme “Reimagining Economies: The Move Towards a Digital, Sustainable and Resilient Future,”...

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World Economic Situation and Prospects as of mid-2020

Against the backdrop of a raging and devastating pandemic, the world economy is projected to shrink by 3.2 per cent in 2020. Under the baseline scenario, GDP growth in developed countries will plunge to –5.0 per cent in 2020, while output of developing countries will...

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World Bank Group: Doing Business 2020

Doing Business 2020 is the 17th in a series of annual studies investigating the regulations that enhance business activity and those that constrain it. Doing Business presents quantitative indicators on business regulations and the protection of property rights that...

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CDE: Are we asking the right questions about Economic Recovery

No-one knows what the long-term economic effects of the Covid-19 epidemic will be. The massive disruption attendant on a global lockdown has thrown supply chains into turmoil, pushed tens of millions of the workers into (at least) temporary unemployment, and caused...

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The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2020

In September 2015, the United Nations launched the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, a beautiful blueprint for global peace and prosperity. In adopting the 2030 Agenda, countries demonstrated a remarkable determination to take bold and transformative steps to...

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The future of work in South Africa

How can South Africa embrace the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) to rekindle economic growth and transformation, revitalise skills, and create high-quality jobs in large numbers?1 And how can the country mitigate the risk that the 4IR will lead to job losses –...

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